Voices Radio talks Climate Justice with Nathan Thanki, and the BRU reports on their meeting with Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins

Voices Radio talks Climate Justice with Nathan Thanki, and the BRU reports on their meeting with Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins

Nathan Thanki @n_thanki of Demand Climate Justice @gcdcj talks about the COP 26 in Glasgow 10/31-11/12. The people of the third world will be fighting to improve climate change. The US and the EU will be working to maintain...

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Voices Radio; United All Workers for Democracy, and Defund Police in LA City Schools.

Voices Radio; United All Workers for Democracy, and Defund Police in LA City Schools.

We speak with Mike Cannon and Eric Mann about the United All Workers for Democracy and the One Worker, One Vote (1w1v.org) movement. We also hear from Channing Martinez on the move to "zero-out" the police budget to get...

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Voices Radio: Paul Robeson’s Portraits of the Artist

Voices Radio: Paul Robeson’s Portraits of the Artist

On this day, Voices From the Frontlines Radio puts our beloved Paul Robeson on his rightful pedestal! Paul Robeson is a writer, scholar, athlete, film star, Pan Africanist, activist, and brilliant vocalist. A person of such magnitude, he and...

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Voices Radio: Eric, Channing, and Akunna talk about the US’s war against China and the LA-Third-World Alliance.

Voices Radio: Eric, Channing, and Akunna talk about the US’s war against China and the LA-Third-World Alliance.

In this episode eric, Channing and Strategy Center organizer Akunna Uka about how do we stop the Biden administration from creating and implementing a new imperialist cold war against The People's Republic of China? Also, as we create a Black...

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Voices Radio: Eric Mann in Conversation with Marcy Winograd from Code Pink

Voices Radio: Eric Mann in Conversation with Marcy Winograd from Code Pink

  Today on Voices From the Frontlines, we have Marcy Winograd, Coordinator of @codepink Congress, former KPFK News Director, Co-Founder of Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, and Militarism and Foreign Policy Blogger with  Marcy Winograd, LA Progressive. Marcy also...

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This week on Voices Radio; We hear from Desiree Luckey of URGE.org on Texas’ SB8 abortion bill and Eric talks about Ed Asner

This week on Voices Radio; We hear from Desiree Luckey of URGE.org on Texas’ SB8 abortion bill and Eric talks about Ed Asner

This week on Voices From the Frontlines, Eric and Channing speak with @DesireéLuckey, Director @URGE_org - Unite For Reproductive & Gender Equity, about Texas' new SB 8 anti-abortion law that went into effect last week, and may be a...

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