Voices Radio: Eric Mann in Conversation with Marcy Winograd from Code Pink
Today on Voices From the Frontlines, we have Marcy Winograd, Coordinator of @codepink Congress, former KPFK News Director, Co-Founder of Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party, and Militarism and Foreign Policy Blogger with Marcy Winograd, LA Progressive. Marcy also Co-Chairs the End Wars and Occupations team for Progressive Democrats of America.
A word from Marcy… “The recall; Newsome is not perfect, but the alternative is Trump-Elder. A lot’s at stake particularly with environment, death penalty, privatization of schools, control of the senate if Feinstein resigns. Sometimes Biden sounds like he’s in Code Pink, which I am, then the same old hawk when he pivots to China and insist on denying aid to Afghanistan facing a humanity crisis in the making!” – Marcy Winograd
Channing Martinez will talk with us about his work with the Police-Free Schools LA Coalition which succeeded in defunding the LA School police by 35% and moving the funds to black students in schools. He gives us an update on the details from the board.
Eric talks about the work that he is doing with China’s Not the Enemy…