Listen to this week’s Voices Radio. Eric recaps the Cold War Truth Commission talk, with a few key people. .

Listen to this week’s Voices Radio. Eric recaps the Cold War Truth Commission talk, with a few key people. .

  This week on Voices Form the Frontlines, Eric gives a recap of Sunday's Cold War Truth Commission panel discussion. Beginning with talks from Gail Walker/IFCO Pastors for Peace: The Historic Legacy of My Father: Rev. Lucius Walker, Medea Benjamin/Code Pink: The U.S....

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Article: The Historic 1968 Struggle Against Columbia University

Article: The Historic 1968 Struggle Against Columbia University

The Historic 1968 Struggle Against Columbia University How a Black United Front in Harlem, the Students’ Afro American Society, and Students for a Democratic Society took on the Columbia University Ruling Class, Mayor John Lindsay, the New York Times, the...

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The 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution: the Great Breakthrough in Anti-Imperialist Socialism

The 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution: the Great Breakthrough in Anti-Imperialist Socialism

Read this Article on Greanville Post “History cannot ignore W.E.B. Dubois. It is time to cease muting the fact that Dr. Dubois was a genius who chose to become a Communist.” — Dr. Martin Luther King “Whatever has happened to Stalin, gentlemen,...

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Voices Radio: Join the Free Public Transportation Campaign

Voices Radio: Join the Free Public Transportation Campaign

Eric and Channing discuss climate change and free public transportation in Los Angeles. Chaning discuses the recent rain event in New Orleans, and the flooding that occurred there after. Eric and Channing speak about the Strategy Center's Free Public...

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“Are you now or have you ever been a member of a Communist Party?”

“Are you now or have you ever been a member of a Communist Party?”

That question, was, for those of you who did not live the history or study it, the terrifying question of the House Un-American Activities Committee and the entire McCarthy investigations of communism in every aspect of U.S. life during...

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Voices Radio: A Communist in a Auto Factory by Eric Mann

Voices Radio: A Communist in a Auto Factory by Eric Mann

This week on Voices from the Frontlines Your National Movement Building Show Eric Mann reads from his soon to be published article: A Communist in an Auto Factory. Eric tells us about his journey as a known communist working in the health...

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