Voices Radio: Paul Robeson’s Portraits of the Artist

On this day, Voices From the Frontlines Radio puts our beloved Paul Robeson on his rightful pedestal! Paul Robeson is a writer, scholar, athlete, film star, Pan Africanist, activist, and brilliant vocalist. A person of such magnitude, he and W.E.B DeBois fought the color lines of US imperialism on the global scale and were punished unmerciful for their proletarian internationalism; the US government withdrew their passports in an attempt to prevent them from continuing their work all over the world.

Tune in to listen to clips of Paul Robeson’s Portraits of the Artist box set and Eric Mann’s Playbook for Progressive, The 16 Qualities of the Successful Organizer, Katrina’s Legacy.

We also have Alan Minsky and Channing Martinez in the studio joining us for this amazing conversation about the masterful life, and work of Paul Robeson!


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