Barnie Sanders on Palestine and Hillary Clinton’s Genocidal Plans for Palestine

Barnie Sanders on Palestine and Hillary Clinton’s Genocidal Plans for Palestine

Bernie and Hillary on Palestine This week on Voices Eric Mann reads excerpts from presidential candidate Bernie Sander's intended AIPAC Speech on Palestine and contrasts it with Hillary  presidential candidate Hilary Clinton's war-hawk views and plan for Palestine found in her...

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Eric Mann on Uprising with Sonlai Kohatkar: What Obama’s Win Means for Movements

Eric Mann on Uprising with Sonlai Kohatkar: What Obama’s Win Means for Movements

"Roberto and I disagreed on whether or not it would be "better if Obama won or not," but we both agree that he is a pro-imperialist president." - Eric Mann  Two days after the election, I made an appearance on Uprising! as a...

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Stopping the Highway to Hell: Real Transit Change Needed in Stimulus Package

Stopping the Highway to Hell: Real Transit Change Needed in Stimulus Package

President Obama's stimulus package presents a challenge: a choice between real change or business as usual. The Presidents' focus on "shovel ready" capital projects that advance the highway lobby compromises his mission of social justice and reversing global warming....

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