Measure J equals gentrification, racism, and pollution with public funds

Measure J equals gentrification, racism, and pollution with public funds

By Sunyoung Yang and Eric Mann Published on 10/30/12 in the Daily News Los Angeles MEASURE J is the latest version of gentrification, racism, and environmental pollution packaged as urban progress. It is Mayor Villaraigosa's swan song for L.A. as he moves...

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Pete White of the Los Angeles Community Action Network

Pete White of the Los Angeles Community Action Network

Police harassment of the homeless community, gentrification, and the fight for their civil rights. Pete White is Founder and Co-Director of the Los Angeles Community Action Network, also known as (LA CAN), which organizes and trains low-income and homeless persons in LA's downtown to help...

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Tom Dutton on Fighting Gentrification

Tom Dutton on Fighting Gentrification

Professor Tom Dutton will speak on his recent article for, "Do You Have a Sign" where he describes the current struggle against gentrification in Over-the-Rhine People's Movement. His analysis sheds light on similar struggles taking place from New...

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