Voices Podcast: Eric & Channing on South Africa’s case charging Israel with Violation of the UN convention on Genocide
Eric & Channing on South Africa’s case charging Israel with Violation of the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide
Aired on KPFK Pacifica January 12th 2024 at 7am PST
This week on Voices Radio Eric speaks about and reads from the 2024 introduction to Eric Mann’s Article: Dr. Martin Luther King is Marching with the People of Palestine published in counterpunch magazine.
Eric and Channing read from South Africa’s case to the International Court of Justice against Israel. South African charges Israel with violation of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the prevention of genocide.
We reflect on the significance of this case in the fight to liberate Palestine.
Lastly Eric and Channing speak about upcoming events with KPFK and the Strategy center including the Strategy and Soul outdoor bookstore at the Kingdom Day parade, the KPFK fundraiser hosted by Frank Dorrel on January 20th at 3:30pm at The Culver-Palms United Methodist Church, and the First Strategy & Soul revolutionary organizing Film and Book Club on February 1st at 6pm at Strategy and Soul Theater.