This week on Voices Radio: Eric and Channing speak with Mary Louise Patterson about her book and her childhood.


This is SUCH an amazing show! This week on Voices From the Frontlines, Eric and Channing have a guest star; THE GREAT Mary Louise Patterson!!! 

She’s speaking with us about her book that she co-authored with Evelyn Louise Crawford, Letters From Langston; From the Harlem Renaissance to the Red Scare and Beyond!

Mary Louise Pattesron will in conversation with Eric and Channing about growing up with famous and most heroic parents, William L. Patterson and Lousie Thompson Patterson! 

This interview is very moving. Mary tells us how she became aware of who her parents were in the world as she, herself,  grew into the world. At different times her father was imprisoned and Mary was VERY grateful to have such political heavyweights in her life as extended Auntie’s and Uncle’s; Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, W.E.B. De Bois, Altheus Huntons, James Jackson, Luis Bernum, etc. They were the best in the Black radical tradition who were comrades, friends, and extended family who were very close to Mary as she was growing into the world. As a Black person myself with a seemingly unlimited amount of “extended” (but we don’t call them extended) Auntie’s and Uncle’s, I/we know very well how important every last one of our Auntie’s and Uncle’s are in our lives, which makes us whole!!! Mary had some of the most prolific and monumental Black revolutionaries!

”At some point in one’s childhood or early adolescence, as one is intellectually maturing and becoming socially and politically conscious, one is faced with the need to accept or reject being or becoming like one’s parents. One can either accept or reject one’s parents place in history. I chose to accept mine, and in so doing, I was admitting a profound indebtedness to their major contribution to who and what I became—to whom I am today.” – MaryLouise Patterson

Give this episode a complete listen, comment, and email us at and We would love to hear what you think. We will be doing a lot more work with Mary and many other Black revolutionaries, past present, and future! JOIN US, the fight for liberation isn’t over!!!



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