#TODAY ON VOICES RADIO: Native American Forum, Johnson and Johnson, & Andrew Luck
Today on Voices from the Frontlines:
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders Shine at Native American Forum
Johnson and Johnson Gets away with Murder
Andrew Luck Retires With his Body and Mind Intact
August 27, 2019 @3pm PST
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were the only two candidates to attend the Native American candidates forum. They both supported criminal charges against the U.S. government for the Wounded Knee massacre and began discussion of U.S. paying reparations to the Indigenous Peoples—reflecting their humanity and introspection and their best day as candidates.
Johnson and Johnson gets away with murder in Oklahoma opiod settlement of only $752 million–but still appeals the decision and asks the courts not to make them pay anything until after the appeal. President Trump thanks the company for producing so many raving white racists high on opiods and crystal meth who are his best supporters.
Andrew Luck retires from National Football League at 29 after a decade of brutal injuries—leaving with his integrity, mental and physical health intact. Almost all players strongly defend his decision and wish they could do the same while some wacked fans and commentators expose their own pathetic lives in criticizing his decision.
Listen to Voice from the Frontlines today at 3pm PST on KPFK 90.7fm OR use the button below to Stream the show live on Facebook.
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