Voices Radio speaks with Akinyele Umoja, author of We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement.
This week on Voices From the Frontlines, we’ll hear from Akinyele Umoja, founding member of the New Afrikan People’s Organization and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and author of We Will Shoot: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom movement.
The strategy center Co-Hosted a Night in Conversation with Akinyele Umoja and Eric Mann, hosted by Professor Robin Kelley May 2019. Tune in for a great conversation on Movement Building, revolution and Akinyele’s book We Will Shoot Back.
Voices from the Frontlines needs your help to dramatically expand our audience and to create a core group of Voices Radio Action Organizers. Today Eric and Channing will speak about building an organizing team among listeners of Voices from the Frontlines to expand the audience and influence of Your National Movement Building Show.
Take a listen.
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