#TODAY ON VOICES RADIO: All Hands on deck to protect the Bolivarian Venezuelan Revolution from U.S. Sabotage and counter revolution First hand reporting and analysis from Jeanette Charles and others on the frontlines of this critical battle
As we go on the air, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó says a coup is underway in Caracas. (see link to Democracy Now) Today we are joined by Jeanette Charles on the State of Venezuela and Bolivarian Revolution. This year there have been multiple attempts by the U.S. and the Reactionary Right in Venezuela to carry out a coup against the Bolivarian Revolution and elected president Nicolas Maduro. What can we in the U.S. do to stop our government from carrying out another murder of Salvador Allende and the Chilean revolution in Latin America.
Voices from the Frontlines and The Strategy Center stands in solidarity with President Maduro and people of Venezuela. Tune in today to see ways you can also support this important movement through action.
Jeanette Charles is a close ally of the Venezuelan people and revolution and has ties to many solidarity groups working to protect that revolution. She is a daughter of the Haitian Diaspora, popular educator, journalist, and organizer. She is a longtime member of the Chiapas Support Committee and International Solidarity Liaison with Venezuelanalysis Join us today!
Tune in to KPFK 90.7fm today at 3pm PST or watch out facebook livestream today at 3 using the button below
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