The system’s Vengeance Unrestrained
Beating the System, then the System Fights Back with Vengeance
On today’s show Eric accompanied by KPFK’s interim Director Alan Minsky will do a review of the film “O.J. Simpson Made in America”, directed by Ezra Edelman. Eric will also read excerpts from Cynthia Hamilton’s “Apartheid in an American city: The case of the black community in Los Angeles”. Eric will also play audio clips from Stanley Nelson’s “The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution” , and then Eric will discuss Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s MTA latest racial and genocidal attacks on people of color in Los Angeles. All of which will be accompanied by comments and analysis from radio show Producer Channing Martinez, and The Labor/Community Strategy Center Assistant Director Barbara Lott-Holland. Appeals will be made to the listener for their contribution to KPFK’s fund drive.
Aired on June 21, 2016
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