Activists Jeanette Taylor-Ramann and Anna Jones on Dyett Hunger Strike in Chicago
On this show Eric Mann holds a conversation with two Parent activist Jeanette Taylor-Ramann and Anna Jones who were Dyett Hunger Strikers. They will discuss the victories and lessons learned after a long fight and thirty four days of fasting to keep Dyett High School opened with community generated plan and the inclusion of parent/community leadership. Eric will also go to the phones to take calls from the voices listeners. Kenwood Oakland Community Organization
Then Eric did an informal commentary on the politics of Dieting, Weight and its relationship to Sizzler- It’s not an obesity problem it’s a depression and women’s and national oppression problem.
Help Chicago Parent Hunger Strike By calling Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel at 312-744-3300 and tell him that you support Walter Dyette Global Leadership at Green Technology High School.
You can also call Journey for justice At 773-548-7501 to get more information on what you can do to help.
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Aired on September 22, 2015