A Continuum of Struggle: From Hammer and Hoe to the Chicago Parent Hunger Strike
On this show Eric Mann speaks with organizer/activist Jitu Brown of the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization . Today is day 29 without so much as water as parents fight against the closure of Walter H. Dyette High School. The city announced that the school would be opened, however parents voices and input has been ignored by the city all together. Chicago Parent Hunger Strike
Continuing the conversation, Eric and Robin Kelly hold a discussion about the 25th anniversary of “Hammer and Hoe” and the great contribution of black communist to the civil rights movement. Originally released in 1990, Hammer and Hoe is about the Alabama communist party.
Help Chicago Parent Hunger Strike By calling Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel at 312-744-3300 and tell him that you support Walter Dyette Global Leadership at Green Technology High School.
You can also call Journey for justice At 773-548-7501 to get more information on what you can do to help.
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Aired on September 08, 2015