Voices Podcast: Eric & Channing on South Africa’s case charging Israel with Violation of the UN convention on Genocide

Voices Podcast: Eric & Channing on South Africa’s case charging Israel with Violation of the UN convention on Genocide

Eric & Channing on South Africa’s case charging Israel with Violation of the UN Convention on the Prevention of Genocide Aired on KPFK Pacifica January 12th 2024 at 7am PST This week on Voices Radio Eric speaks about and reads from...

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Transformative Organizing in the Age of Trump

Transformative Organizing in the Age of Trump

January 05, 2017 By Eric Mann I begin with my punchline—the road to defeating Donald Trump is to confront the treachery of the Democratic Party, including that of President Obama and Hillary Clinton—that created the conditions for his election. It is the...

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