Community Forum to Stop Measure J!

Community Forum to Stop Measure J!

From the Bus Riders Union website.  To RSVP follow this link to the Bus Riders Union Facebook Page:    RSVP for Sept 20th Community Forum Believe it or not the MTA has come up with a plan to make you pay even...

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Stop Corporate-Funded Voter Suppression

Stop Corporate-Funded Voter Suppression

From the Color of Change Website - click here to sign the petition.  For years, the right wing has been trying to stop Black people, other people of color, young people, and the elderly from voting — and now some...

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Tell the Charlotte Observer Newspaper to Drop the I-Word

Tell the Charlotte Observer Newspaper to Drop the I-Word

From the Colorlines website - Click here to sign the petition. People in Charlotte, North Carolina are tired of the bullying and hate set off by increased use of the i-word, and concerned about the rise in civil rights abuse claims...

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Tell Google, Pepsi, Microsoft, IBM, and other corporations: Quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Tell Google, Pepsi, Microsoft, IBM, and other corporations: Quit the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

From the Sum of Us Website - Click here to sign the petition The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a shadowy trade association that has had its hand in almost every bad thing that’s happened in Washington for decades —...

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