Grassroot Leaders and Activists Makes the Link Between Climate Change, Public Transportation, and the Legacy of Hurricane Katrina

On this show Eric Mann holds a discussion with Civil Rights heroine and long distance runner Della Bonner about the historical significance of the Consent Decree which was won by the Bus Riders Union against the public transportation corporation also known as the MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Agency). In the second half of the show Eric will be joined by Lead Organizer Manuel Criollo of The Labor/Community Strategy Center. The conversation will center around bridging the social disconnect between climate change, public transportation and the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, in relation to the up coming United Nation’s Framework Climate Change Conference UNFCC. which is scheduled to be held in Paris France this December, and the soon to be released follow up book Katrina’s Legacy by Eric Mann.

Up coming Event: Prelude to Paris, at the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church, November 19th, 2015, 6:30PM, 3300 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90010. Eric Mann along with Babara Lott-Holland, Manuel Criollo, Ashley Franklin, and Channing Martinez, Will analyse, comment, and answer question concerning the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which they will be participating in.

Aired on November 10, 2015

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