Taking on General Motors: Taking on General Motors: A Case Study of the UAW Campaign to Keep GM Van Nuys Open
Rev. Jesse Jackson
“I have marched with the Van Nuys workers and seen Eric Mann’s masterful organizing first hand. If you are a labor, civil rights, peace, or environmental organizer, college or high school teacher, I urge you to read Taking on General Motors carefully and apply its lessons to your own work.“
Sumner Rosen
professor, Columbia University
“Taking on General Motors is essential to anyone who cares about the union movement and its future. I know of no other narrative in the union or community organizing literature which analyses with considerable insight the political life of a union local. Leadership and organizing are as difficult to explain in print as playing the violin or choreographing a ballet. Eric Mann has brilliantly overcome the problem and given us a work of enduring value.“
Rodolfo Acuña
author, Occupied America: A History of Chicanos
“Taking On General Motors is the best work on the auto industry I have read to date. By telling the story of a predominantly Chicano UAW local, and the interaction of Chicano, Black, Asian, and white workers, Mann goes a long way to highlight the leadership of Mexican workers in the labor movement. It is crucial to get this book out to workers and scholars.“
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