Hurricane Katrina, Ecocide, Genocide and the Domestic Right of Return

As August 29th the tenth anniversary of hurricane Katrina approaches, the domestic right of return is an important issue. What happened in new Orleans was a very unfortunate convergence of climates change, governmental oppression of a black nation, and racism-connecting those three elements is crucial. Climate change fostered by fracking, drilling for oil, environmental manipulation and so forth-Governmental oppression of a black nation in all there insidious and various form, with its highest aim being to crush the people’s will for liberation and freedom, and lastly Racism, the icing on the cake for U.S. imperialism. These factors all culminate and manifest themselves, in a hyper denial of New Orleans Katrina victims domestic right of return, the gentrification of New Orleans historically black communities, and the white hopes of establishing a New and lily white New Orleans. (Ecocide ) (Genocide )


On September 3rd at 5:00pm at the Southern California Library join Eric Mann for an evening of discussion of Julian Bond, the 50th anniversary of the Watts rebellion, the 10th anniversary of hurricane Katrina, and the black liberation movement.()

Southern California Library  6120 Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90044, 323-759-6063


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Aired on August 21, 2015

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